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Re: Battlefield Heroes mod for BF1942...

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 1:45 am
by Mr. A
Is there a server running the mod?

Re: Battlefield Heroes mod for BF1942...

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 2:43 am
moongamers one tough

Re: Battlefield Heroes mod for BF1942...

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 4:47 am
by assasinseye1
Awsome mod man, like bf heroes,(the actual game) but it was laggy for me, this one is perfect cant wait for more updates. !!! :shock:

Re: Battlefield Heroes mod for BF1942...

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 9:20 pm
by Apache Thunder
Thanks. :D

Here's another update. No real content additions. Just a few tweaks and fixes. Forgot to mention in the change log that I buffed sniper damage to planes. :P

Version 1.65b: (full installer, not a patch)

Client Installer:

Server files for dedicated servers:


Changes in v1.65b:

1. Fixed the lights on the rocket in Midnight Mayham so that they now change colors depending on which team caps the rocket. White is neutral, blue is Royals, and red is Nationals.

2. Added active suspension to Royal Tank. The little arm things that the wheels connect to now move with the wheels like in real life.

3. Redid collision meshes on a few vehicles and the boatwreck object. Found a tool that can import collision meshes! Any new objects parted over will now be using the collision meshes that were made in the real BFHeroes game!

4. Released updated server files. (available via a seperate download from the client installer)

Re: Battlefield Heroes mod for BF1942...

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 9:27 am
by mikex222
well it looks like you've got alot of time on your hands
nice work mate ;)

Re: Battlefield Heroes mod for BF1942...

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 6:24 pm
by Apache Thunder
Thanks. :D

Another quick update. Fixed a few more bugs that I spotted. Also nurfed TT a bit and slow down the rate at which it's triggered. So it won't blow the instant a enemy gets near it but instead takes a second or more. (faster if there is more then one enemy near it)


This is a full install. For server operators you only need to update the animations, game, and objects rfas on the server.

Changes in v1.7b:

1. Fixed missing steering wheel of National jeep.

2. Delayed time it takes for Troop Traps to detonate from a enemy soldier. Should cut down on Troop Traps detonating too early if a enemy approaches it from a corner or angle that would other wise block the explosion on approach.

3. Nurfed Troop Trap damage vs soldiers. They were getting one hit kills. I forgot to update the damage system for the TT when I lowerd soldier HP a bit.

4. Tweaked 1p Parachute. Now starts in idle animation instead of open animation so as not to block 1p view as much when first opened. 3P Parachute unchanged.

5. Altered rotation on one of the soldier arm skeleton bones. When test spawning a empty soldier, the left lower arm and hand had too much rotation causing mesh distortion. Does not effect gameplay due to animations overriding the start position of the skeleton, but this could be an issue if a new mesh was rigged onto this skeleton if this was not corrected.

Re: Battlefield Heroes mod for BF1942...

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 2:11 am
by Apache Thunder
v1.75b ready. Fixed a singleplayer CTD with the jetpacks and tweaked the grenade/grenade spam damage system:


Since this is a patch, you must have v1.7b installed first before installing this.

Re: Battlefield Heroes mod for BF1942...

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 12:50 pm
by Poow
Just saw the animation when a bot is about to stand up after an explosion :) Neat!

I found a little bug:
There is something wrong with the face LOD:


Re: Battlefield Heroes mod for BF1942...

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 6:41 pm
by Apache Thunder
? Sounds like something from vanilla. I haven't done anything to the soldier animations.

As for the bug mentioned, it seems I forgot to remove the setLodValue command for the royal soldiers. Oops...

Re: Battlefield Heroes mod for BF1942...

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 7:31 pm
by Iced Earth
I'm gonna download this and check it out, but 2 questions:

1) Are there different walking sounds in BFH? I hate hearing the standard *shuffle shuffle shuffle* from 1942 in new mods like this, lol
2) Did you do any tweaking to the damage system re: guns lately? I saw someone complain that it was taking too long to kill.

It looks really good though. A great alternative for those whose PCs can't handle BFH!