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Saving freaky and corrupted maps

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 1:51 pm
by Handicap
From time to time one gets a nice idea for a map and it seems that the map is gonna be epic, but then BC42 happens and the map gets somehow really fucked up. I've had a couple of great looking maps that just decided to implode and corrupt themselves or something. One of the symptoms is that in BC, the game deletes previous statics as you place new ones. The object limit hasn't been met yet, but the game somehow denies you the possibility to add any new objects. Another random symptom is that when you press ctrl-v (or paste something) in the BC42 viewport, the game creates a bunch of objectspawners, control points and player spawns.

Is there a remedy for this BC42'ish disease? Some great maps have been lost because of the unstable editor.

Re: Saving freaky and corrupted maps

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 11:37 am
by Sgt.Killboy
I guess you can only try to "rebuild" them, by deleting stuff thats causing errors, like spawnpoints and such. Just copy the extracted map, then build a new one in BC42 and start copying heightmap, textures objects and stuff. Test if it works. If you get to a point where the map crashes, get one step back, and go on with copying other stuff...

Also for BC4 theres sometimes errors when switching between object and terrain mode (not 100% sure about the modes...maybe its others). When switching between 2 modes without saving, the game will crash when loading the map.
As I mentioned, I'm not 100% sure wich mode it is, and what exactly does cause this issue, It occurs once in a while.

For the too much objects problem:

The only way i got rid of that, is to work with 2, sometimes 3 different staticobjects.con files. For example in a map where i used a lot of grass and reed, i had 1 for the common static objects, 1 copy for the reed and one for the grass (renamed to staticobjectsgrass.txt)
I used to copy either the grass or the reed to the statobjs.con to stay below the limit, and when feeling fine with the results i've put them all in oe con file, to finally pack the map to a version I'm fine with.

Re: Saving freaky and corrupted maps

Posted: Sat May 21, 2011 4:35 pm
by Swaffy
Be careful when deleting a static object in BC'42. I've seen this issue on every map I've worked on.
If you delete a static object, there is a 90% chance it deleted another object without you seeing it.

So now i have Bocage with a few buildings missing, and some other maps with buildings and smaller things missing.
If you want to delete a static, directly edit the ".con" file.

Re: Saving freaky and corrupted maps

Posted: Sun May 22, 2011 6:51 am
by Handicap
Yes I have noticed all kinds of weird bugs with the BC, but the bug I mentioned happens even tough the object limit is not met. Also, it still happens even tough I have deleted most of the objects. Guess I'll have to rebuild those maps. Wish someone with enough time could break the BC source and alter the object limit. My maps usually have 4000 to 10 000 objects around (finnish forests for the win!) and fiddling around with the staticobjects.con can get really confusing at times.

Re: Saving freaky and corrupted maps

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 3:19 pm
by Senshi
Use Editor42. Problem solved.