Producer needs help on Final Star Wars Mod bf1942 version

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Re: Producer needs help on Final Star Wars Mod bf1942 versio

Post by Diamondback »

Shrooms wrote:Galactic Conquest was one of the best mods years back. My favorite release was release 2.0. The team created a lot of hype and promotion for months and surely delivered the satisfaction. I disagree with the current design of tatooine I don't know why they made the map smaller so I hope you revert those changes. I"m curious to know what else was in plan for the mod that you know of.
Then I suggest you join us and help us tweak it, we need new blood.

Apache, Senshi, fo0k, freddy? You guys in for this?
See my Strasbourg map project here.
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Re: Producer needs help on Final Star Wars Mod bf1942 versio

Post by freddy »

we used to play the "race" map pretty often some back then, sry i dont remember then name but it was hilarious fun
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Re: Producer needs help on Final Star Wars Mod bf1942 versio

Post by Renwood »

Yes one of the planned changes is to add the Tatooine map from version 4.0 or version 4.2 When the map was much bigger and you could go all over it.
We will keep certain things that were added later, like the sandcralwer and the Jabba sail barges and fix the worthless deckguns that never did any damage like they should have. I have played The Star Wars Mod (Galacitc Conquest) since version 2.0 in 2003 played untill 2007. I was an internal Alpha tester for versions 4.2 and 5.0 Then Later I was producer and project lead on 2 unreleased versions. So I know exactly what you are talking about with undoing some of the damage that was done to GC in its later versions (5.3 and beyond) by missguided devs.
I have every version of GC that was ever released and the unreleased ones that me and a small team of a few of the original devs worked on as well.
We will draw from all of these versions to create one "Final" finished version with tons of polish that hopefully with the help of The Force, will get countless players from the Free Origin version flooding into a Galaxy Far...Far away

We will keep the gameplay balance, freedom and FUN as our number one priorities.
Still looking for help guys!!
Who wants to help bring what many people TO THIS DAY still consider The Best multiplayer game ever made Back To Life!?

The best way to contact me is at

[email protected]
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Re: Producer needs help on Final Star Wars Mod bf1942 versio

Post by GoodDayToDie!! »

Do it Shrooms.....
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Re: Producer needs help on Final Star Wars Mod bf1942 versio

Post by Darkstef »

No website for the mod?
I was a codder, a mapper and I'm now a beginner modeler.
I can join your team as a modeler (dont have time for codding) but only if it's serious, I joined 2 mods recently and the 2 died before the release so I don't want to waste my time :P .

Otherwise I'm a big fan of Star Wars, I have all the novels and I'm a collector :D

ps : I added you on origin
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Re: Producer needs help on Final Star Wars Mod bf1942 versio

Post by Renwood »

Hey guys who are inerested in helping to bring the BEST star wars game ever back!
Rest assured that a LOT of stuff is going on behind the scenes to get this newest and BEST release out before christmas!

I have been going through all the best versions of the mod, and the newer unrelased versions my team was working on a few years ago, and coming up with a finest lineup of maps and content that The Star Wars Mod (Galacltic Conquest)
has ever seen! Its going to be around 27 maps, about 7 of them have never been seen before and where made by some really talented people!

I need somebody to help me build all the combined elements into a perfectly working version.
I am a producer and project manager by trade, so I do not have much knowledge of working with the mod tools themselves and creating the game RFA of all the maps and everything into a working version.
Right now I have maps that have been hand picked from differnt versions of the MOD. I have evey version of GC ever released AND UNreleased!
I have maps like Tatooine from 4.0 Maps like Judicator from version 5.0 Maps like Hoth from 5.3 Maps from and Our unreleased but very tested 6.31 and versions from our newest unreleased 7.0 and SOME maps from the 2011 mapack as well.

I have spent the last few days looking at change logs and testing maps from differnt versions and taking lots of notes and screenshots to find the FINEST and MOST BALANCED and FUNversions of maps and vehicles from all these versions.

My main question is, now that I have all these maps from differnt versions selected and placed in the GCMOD folder, how do I go about building and RFA and everything into 1 combined working version?
There are some things like new animations for cockpit textures on Tie fighter radar readouts and various simple animated textures from different versions of GC that need to be included.

I am going through my over 4 HOURS of awesome SCRIPTED and improv gameplay footage that I shot with over 20 actors a while back
When I was directing a Machinema movie to help promote The NEW FREE Star Wars Mod Battlefield 1942 Origin version.

I am having HUGE problems with my internet provider and I am trying to find a new alternative in my tiny town.

Due to no budget we will not likely have a dedicated website. Websites really are not as usefull as they used to be.
I had 3 of my own websites for video game projects over the last few years, and we got a lot more traffic and coverage with our Youtube, facebook and twitter pages.

When I get this internet thing figured out (there are very few options here in my tiny town) I will send off the current version to people to help get it tested, edited and polished.
The current version of the Star Wars Mod (Galactic Conquest) will be version 8.0

Make no mistake I am VERY serious about getting the most ploshied version out there for everybody to enjoy with TONS of new well made content. I Loved this game MOD allmost 10 years ago and now its like a dream come true that we have a chance to bring it back in a BIG WAY since millions are downloading the Origin Version and there can be lots of servers filled with GC players from all over the world again!

RIght now the best way to comminicate is over the telephone, since my internet is going to be provided by a new company and I will be without the internet for the next week or so at least.

Damn the "state" of New Mexico sucks for internet service!

I cant WAIT to play the New version of Judicator_PUSH with you all! You must capture the flags in the the proper order so the Energy shielded doors of the NEXT flag further down the hallways will lower! BTW in keeping with NOT fixing things that are Broken, This new Judicator_PUSH version will NOT replace the allready fun gameplay of the normal Judicator we all know and LOVE! Judicator_PUSH is in ADDITION TO the 5.0 Judicator version and BOTH versions of Judicator will be Included in Release 8.0!!1

If you wish to work over the phone in the meantime of getting my internet connection back up, please PM me your phone number here ont his site, OR E mail it to me at [email protected]

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Re: Producer needs help on Final Star Wars Mod bf1942 versio

Post by Renwood »

For the 2nd release we would like to have ALL NEW features for the Star Wars Mod.
If you guys wanted to do research now to figure out how to do things like create Destructable turrets on vehicles like the Rebel blockade Runner, that could be repaired independently of the MAIN Ship itself. If the turrets get destoryed they will take like 5 mins to respawn. We also wanted to add things to the 2nd release (Version 8.2) like Insisible critical hit locations on capital ships when when hit, can cause small exsplosions inside the ship in a few random locations.
Smoke and fire effects to damaged or destoryed compnents on capital ships as well. This would ad a lot more intense and compeling and FUN gameplay to the 2nd release of the mod.

We also have the ability to make SHIELDS that surround the ships like the X wings or Capital ships.
These shields would be able to take a cetain amount of damage before they would fail.

They will be balanced, and if an X wing gets hit by a Large turbo laser like the giant turrets on the Death Star, the X wing will not survive it even with shields at 100%

We also wanted to have stuff like an engine room aboard capital ships, where boarding parties could target them if they get inside to disable the capital ship's movement from the inside.

Again this kind of complicated feature would not be on our FIRST release of 8.0 but on our second release 8.2
That would be released sometime in 2013.

Anyways, got a LOT fo great stuff lined up!! Just need some HELP from the modding community!

Before you post a reply here, if you are interested in helping, contact me at [email protected]

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Re: Producer needs help on Final Star Wars Mod bf1942 versio

Post by Renwood »

So guys, any help with making the working version 8.0 from all the levels from various versions' levels put into the levels folder?

My time on with a working internet connection is very limited and unreliable, so I am unable to do all the research needed myself.
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Re: Producer needs help on Final Star Wars Mod bf1942 versio

Post by Renwood »

I created a new forum thread on this topic, since this one seems to have died.
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