
This file sets the prerequisites for the bots. This file is found in the level (battle) in the AI subdirectory, e.g. Berlin/AI. General settings (that apply to all) are found in the Game.rfa archive file in its AI subdirectory. Prerequisites are like an OR decision. When only one condition is True, the choice is by default, when two or more Conditions are true, preference is given to the Condition with the highest value. This makes the Prerequisite True and in turn activates the appropriate strategy. If the Strategy has a time limit, then at end of this time the AI will evaluate this Condition again and may change to the next highest Condition. There are 32 files named prerequisites.con.

Classes used in this type of file: AiStrategy

Properties used in these files:

Go to the All Properties list, All Types list, CON file list, Class list, or the Main scripting page.