Zeuser, the DCX guy is here

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Zeuser, the DCX guy is here

Post by Zeuser »

Yes... THAT Zeuser.

I was doing some cleaning and came across a CD of DCX I burned in the mid 2000s. I haven't worked on DCX since 2006. Anyway, I found the new bf1942 for windows 10 with the xpacks. Then Installed DC and DCX.

And sure enough, I still had the DCX source materials.

Well, long story short, I saw a number of bugs, issues and areas of improvements. Obviously, I installed all the tools and got to it.

Started a DCX youtube channel and I plan on producing another DCX in 2022.

I'm thinking of cutting out DC and DC final by effectively merging them into DCX as a single install.

I'm also pulling in some content from other bf1942 mods that I think would fit in nicely.

Yes... it's a pandemic thing! Lots of time for hobby stuff now.
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Re: Zeuser, the DCX guy is here

Post by Diamondback »

Hello, nice to have you back!
See my Strasbourg map project here.
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Re: Zeuser, the DCX guy is here

Post by buschhans »

Zeuser wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 3:06 am Yes... THAT Zeuser.

I was doing some cleaning and came across a CD of DCX I burned in the mid 2000s. I haven't worked on DCX since 2006. Anyway, I found the new bf1942 for windows 10 with the xpacks. Then Installed DC and DCX.

And sure enough, I still had the DCX source materials.

Well, long story short, I saw a number of bugs, issues and areas of improvements. Obviously, I installed all the tools and got to it.

Started a DCX youtube channel and I plan on producing another DCX in 2022.

I'm thinking of cutting out DC and DC final by effectively merging them into DCX as a single install.

I'm also pulling in some content from other bf1942 mods that I think would fit in nicely.

Yes... it's a pandemic thing! Lots of time for hobby stuff now.
It would be great, if do you can make the DCX COOP Map stable against crashes by loading? One guy, the name is bbfplayer, which i lost the contact, he developes the SuperDC mod till 2019. He created a lot of some new stuff for Desert Combat fans. You can download here SuperDC v2.4: Download or here: Download

Maybe here you can doing more, the SuperDC v2.4 Mod contains full Bot Support.
If do you like the BF 1942 Mods or search a Download please visit: http://hg-clan.blogspot.de/
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Re: Zeuser, the DCX guy is here

Post by Crash42modder »

Hi Zeuser.
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Re: Zeuser, the DCX guy is here

Post by Apache Thunder »

Zeuser wrote: Thu Jan 06, 2022 3:06 am Yes... THAT Zeuser.

I was doing some cleaning and came across a CD of DCX I burned in the mid 2000s. I haven't worked on DCX since 2006. Anyway, I found the new bf1942 for windows 10 with the xpacks. Then Installed DC and DCX.

And sure enough, I still had the DCX source materials.

Well, long story short, I saw a number of bugs, issues and areas of improvements. Obviously, I installed all the tools and got to it.

Started a DCX youtube channel and I plan on producing another DCX in 2022.

I'm thinking of cutting out DC and DC final by effectively merging them into DCX as a single install.

I'm also pulling in some content from other bf1942 mods that I think would fit in nicely.

Yes... it's a pandemic thing! Lots of time for hobby stuff now.
Hi there! Cool to see you are still around. :D

If you are interested in looking at other content for your DCX mod you are free to check out my BF242'Redux and BFH'42 mods. BFH'42 assets probably won't have a place in DCX but some systems I implemented in that mod might be useful. Though I think BF242'Redux might have more interesting things for you like the AP landmine system I reimplemented. I managed to get AP mines to work as proper projectile landmines again. It involved placing a object spawner on the soldier object that spawns an invisible dummy PCO with dummy engine. (the minimum required ot get the hold object to spawner property to work)

As I recall I was able to tweak the mass on the dummy PCO to only set off AP mines. The mechanic of croaching to sneak past them like the days of old also seems to work too! ;)

As far as I can tell it works in multiplayer but I did not stress test.

You can find that mod here. Just recently fixed the links since BFSP died. The domain sadly got bought by some Indian gambling site else I would consider buying it to keep it parked/available. :(

Anyways I've honestly forgot a lot of the stuff I did for both mods since it's been so long since doing BF1942 modding so you may want to check them both out to see if there's anything you want to use from them. ;)

The notable things I can recall right now is the cloud mesh system and AP mines (which go by troop traps in BFH'42). I forget which mod I did this in but I also leveraged the unused c_CGStaticObjects collision group to implement projectile penetration on select objects to allow certain rifles/weapons to shoot through fences/etc. I think it was mainly BFH'42 I might have tested this in but I don't recall how far I went with it. There's also the thing with allowing dynamic shadows on child objects. I found out you can easily enable that by ensuring all child objects in the chain that said child object is attached to have the hasDynamicShadow bool. This includes lod selector/lod objects I believe. As for c_CGStaticObjects and how that works, it's an unused collision group in the game so you can add it to a pair of objects that has collision meshes to prevent them from physically interacting with them. Since the collision group isn't assigned to any existing assets in the game you are free to do a bunch of fun stuff with that like selectively allowing projectiles to pass through certain objects. You just have to add that collision group to your projectile and the objects you want it to "pass through". ;)
I have cameras in your head!
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