BF1942 Demo Server Crashes
Re: BF1942 Demo Server Crashes
Well thanks for that effort of editing my post, in the time it took you to do that you could have answered if this patch method was confirmed to work! Dont forget that at one point in your life you were where I am, lacking the understanding so dont look down on us ppl that are not on your knowledge level yet. Im not a child and I DONT need my posts edited by anyone, All im trying to do is gather some knowledge on this patch so that it can be applied to my favorite DC server ! . Now rather than editing posts and setting them up to make the person look like a idiot, why dont you use your talents and be helpful by explaining where this "bf1942_lnxded.static executable" is located, a file that only the server owners have access to on their end because I dont see it on my end? .
Now if you dont like this post, then carry on what you were doing as It doesnt need to be edited !!
Now if you dont like this post, then carry on what you were doing as It doesnt need to be edited !!
Nodbrother- "getting whiped every single game by some over-active 9 year old kid with too much spare time and a reaction time that is a third of yours."
Re: BF1942 Demo Server Crashes
Chill man! This here could become very interesting for many more people than only you to read, so I thought it shouldnt be cluttered up too much with unnecessary double posts and merged them!
Here's a download for a patched file according to his instructions. Remove the .exe extension after downloading. ... static.exe
Otherwise go download a hex editor program like UltraEdit (which is NOT free software) and do it yourself.
And NO, I cannot confirm that it works. Maybe you tell us.
Here's a download for a patched file according to his instructions. Remove the .exe extension after downloading. ... static.exe
Otherwise go download a hex editor program like UltraEdit (which is NOT free software) and do it yourself.
And NO, I cannot confirm that it works. Maybe you tell us.
Re: BF1942 Demo Server Crashes
Ya sorry about that , Just not a fan of having my posts edited. Thanks for the download,I will check it out and test it to see if in fact it works.
Nodbrother- "getting whiped every single game by some over-active 9 year old kid with too much spare time and a reaction time that is a third of yours."
Re: BF1942 Demo Server Crashes
Here is the patched bf1942_lnxded.static, I used the bf1942_lnxded.static from the bf1942-update-1.61.tar.gz to (RC2).
Here is a list of the md5sum's of b1942_lnxded.static for the various un-modified linux dedicated server versions:
1. Battleifled: 1942 v1.6 Full Server [Linux] RC1
6c6508aae7d61ab7198b78473efd4e18 bf1942_lnxded.static
2. Battlefield: 1942 v1.6 Full Server [Linux] RC2
fca65f65ef1b059fd7af8bb28b9ae7fb bf1942_lnxded.static
3. bf1942-update-1.61.tar.gz to (RC2) <--- This is the one the patch offsets are for
59bc08cae90239eef86830db180ed100 bf1942_lnxded.static
Jeronimo, which version of linux dedicated server is that in your link? I looked at the executable and the offsets are mis-aligned so it'll crash.
The function where the exploit causes an infinite loop was found by running the exploit on the linux server, and then attaching to the bf1942_lnxded.static process with gdb, and using the 'info stack' command. Is there an Ollydbg linux version? that would be awesome.
I tested the patched bf1942_lnxded.static by running the server and then connecting to it with a client and executing the exploit. The server didn't hang and play for the other players who were connected continued normally. Also I tested the patch to see if it caused problems when you run multiple game rounds on the same map, but everything appeared to be normal, and the new round started without hanging or crashing.
I plan on providing the same offset information for the windows dedicated server and the demo server.
Here is a list of the md5sum's of b1942_lnxded.static for the various un-modified linux dedicated server versions:
1. Battleifled: 1942 v1.6 Full Server [Linux] RC1
6c6508aae7d61ab7198b78473efd4e18 bf1942_lnxded.static
2. Battlefield: 1942 v1.6 Full Server [Linux] RC2
fca65f65ef1b059fd7af8bb28b9ae7fb bf1942_lnxded.static
3. bf1942-update-1.61.tar.gz to (RC2) <--- This is the one the patch offsets are for
59bc08cae90239eef86830db180ed100 bf1942_lnxded.static
Jeronimo, which version of linux dedicated server is that in your link? I looked at the executable and the offsets are mis-aligned so it'll crash.
The function where the exploit causes an infinite loop was found by running the exploit on the linux server, and then attaching to the bf1942_lnxded.static process with gdb, and using the 'info stack' command. Is there an Ollydbg linux version? that would be awesome.
I tested the patched bf1942_lnxded.static by running the server and then connecting to it with a client and executing the exploit. The server didn't hang and play for the other players who were connected continued normally. Also I tested the patch to see if it caused problems when you run multiple game rounds on the same map, but everything appeared to be normal, and the new round started without hanging or crashing.
I plan on providing the same offset information for the windows dedicated server and the demo server.
Re: BF1942 Demo Server Crashes
Excellent! Thanks, exactly what I was hoping for... Thank You so very much for sharing this!dierighty wrote:I plan on providing the same offset information for the windows dedicated server and the demo server.
Re: BF1942 Demo Server Crashes
Patched server link for the patched-rc2-full-version: ... tch.tar.gz ... tch.tar.gz
Re: BF1942 Demo Server Crashes
Testing this patch file out on a linux server right now , will post here shortly if it is working , thanks for all your effort dierighty!
Nodbrother- "getting whiped every single game by some over-active 9 year old kid with too much spare time and a reaction time that is a third of yours."
Re: BF1942 Demo Server Crashes
tekk, which of your posts was edited? I'm kind of confused what post you get angry about?
Not quite sure what happened, but rest assured it was nobody's intention here to "look down" on you or anything. After all, this website exists mainly to assist with all kind of questiosn. Be it quantum theories, be it "How do I start MSPaint?"-kind of questions. But there are some questions that could just as easily been answered with a quick online search (that's when you get snide and short-and-not-helpful comments by users tired of answering the same questions over and over again) . This is not one of them, I was wrong to assume that hex editing was familiar to the average guy. It really isn't difficult, but if one never dabbled in this before, it of course is pretty foreign at first. In short: Sorry if I stepped some toes
Not quite sure what happened, but rest assured it was nobody's intention here to "look down" on you or anything. After all, this website exists mainly to assist with all kind of questiosn. Be it quantum theories, be it "How do I start MSPaint?"-kind of questions. But there are some questions that could just as easily been answered with a quick online search (that's when you get snide and short-and-not-helpful comments by users tired of answering the same questions over and over again) . This is not one of them, I was wrong to assume that hex editing was familiar to the average guy. It really isn't difficult, but if one never dabbled in this before, it of course is pretty foreign at first. In short: Sorry if I stepped some toes

Re: BF1942 Demo Server Crashes
No worries, I just got my panties in a bunch for a edit that was done in a positive manner not intended to make me look like a idiot as I assumed. Its all water under the bridge nowSenshi wrote:tekk, which of your posts was edited? I'm kind of confused what post you get angry about?
Not quite sure what happened, but rest assured it was nobody's intention here to "look down" on you or anything. After all, this website exists mainly to assist with all kind of questiosn. Be it quantum theories, be it "How do I start MSPaint?"-kind of questions. But there are some questions that could just as easily been answered with a quick online search (that's when you get snide and short-and-not-helpful comments by users tired of answering the same questions over and over again) . This is not one of them, I was wrong to assume that hex editing was familiar to the average guy. It really isn't difficult, but if one never dabbled in this before, it of course is pretty foreign at first. In short: Sorry if I stepped some toes.

Nodbrother- "getting whiped every single game by some over-active 9 year old kid with too much spare time and a reaction time that is a third of yours."
Re: BF1942 Demo Server Crashes
Here are the offsets to modify for the BF42 windows dedicated server, BF1942_w32ded.exe:
Demo to follow, it has less padding in between functions then the linux and windows dedicated, so I need to re-write the comparison to make it work in a tighter space.
Code: Select all
Virtual File Original
Address Offset Bytes Instruction
0045a52f 5A52F 8B 10 mov edx,dword ptr[eax]
Code: Select all
Virtual File Modified
Address Offset Bytes Instruction
0045a52f 5A52F EB 82 jmp 0045a4b3
Code: Select all
Virtual File Original
Address Offset Bytes Instruction
0045a4b3 5A4B3 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 nop's ;padding
Code: Select all
Virtual File Modified
Address Offset Bytes Instruction
0045a4b3 5A4B3 8B 10 mov edx,dword ptr[eax] ;perform the instruction that we overwrote to jmp
0045a4b5 5A4B5 8B 4F 04 mov ecx,dword ptr[edi+4];get the event sequence #
0045a4b8 5A4B8 83 F9 01 cmp ecx,1
0045a4bb 5A4BB 74 74 je 0045a531
0045a4bd 5A4BD EB 4C jmp 0045a50b
Demo to follow, it has less padding in between functions then the linux and windows dedicated, so I need to re-write the comparison to make it work in a tighter space.
Last edited by dierighty on Mon Aug 01, 2011 12:34 am, edited 1 time in total.