Know any good tutorials for .skn files?

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erwin rommel
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Know any good tutorials for .skn files?

Post by erwin rommel »

Hey everybody!

I'm currently a coder/animator for Siege_MW. I appear to be the last member of the team to find this place! I am looking for info on importing new player models into the game (specifically skinning them so we can apply animations)

Through a combination of Archi's tutorials, screwing around with code, and heavy swearing, I have managed to get myself to an acceptable level of technical proficiency with animations. However, this is the one thing that has eluded me.

I get the basic idea and I've already found one (hopelessly vague) tut on the subject, but I'm looking for something with a little more detail. Archimonde said he might make one a while back (it would be awesome if he did...), but does anyone know of anything else?

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Re: Know any good tutorials for .skn files?

Post by fo0k »

Hey man, welcome!

Im not the one to answer this but hopefully some help is around...
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Re: Know any good tutorials for .skn files?

Post by Senshi »

Well, I'm also good with animations now thanks to the archi-tuts, but I never fiddled with changing the skn files actually.

Did you take a look at the max examples that come with the BFMDT? There are some skn-models in there (3p Russian Soldier, I use that buddy now to tune my animations, way easier than just working with the bare skeleton)
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Re: Know any good tutorials for .skn files?


erwin rommel wrote:Hey everybody!

I'm currently a coder/animator for Siege_MW. I appear to be the last member of the team to find this place! I am looking for info on importing new player models into the game (specifically skinning them so we can apply animations)

Through a combination of Archi's tutorials, screwing around with code, and heavy swearing, I have managed to get myself to an acceptable level of technical proficiency with animations. However, this is the one thing that has eluded me.

I get the basic idea and I've already found one (hopelessly vague) tut on the subject, but I'm looking for something with a little more detail. Archimonde said he might make one a while back (it would be awesome if he did...), but does anyone know of anything else?

If you have xfire,shoot me a message archi taught me how im still allilte patchy but I can give u some help,for the sake of the forum,you have to apply a "skin",modifier,before that you need to position the mesh and the skeleton properly,one you do that,and u got ure skin mod,you have to select verticies for each part of the mesh and use the weight table to weigh them down
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erwin rommel
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Re: Know any good tutorials for .skn files?

Post by erwin rommel »

Thanks everyone!
Senshi wrote:Well, I'm also good with animations now thanks to the archi-tuts, but I never fiddled with changing the skn files actually.

Did you take a look at the max examples that come with the BFMDT? There are some skn-models in there (3p Russian Soldier, I use that buddy now to tune my animations, way easier than just working with the bare skeleton)
Actually I didn't know about that. That is very, very useful.
MR PINK BALLS wrote:If you have xfire,shoot me a message archi taught me how im still allilte patchy but I can give u some help,for the sake of the forum,you have to apply a "skin",modifier,before that you need to position the mesh and the skeleton properly,one you do that,and u got ure skin mod,you have to select verticies for each part of the mesh and use the weight table to weigh them down
I'll shoot you a message later today. I need to get max working first.
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Re: Know any good tutorials for .skn files?

Post by Apache Thunder »

Yep. I've meddled around with this as well. Only untill recently did I find a better way of skinning vertexes. Before, I simply changed the vertex weights with the "radius" setting for each bone. But that is a messy way of doing it. Now I found out how to select all the vertexes individually and now I have good control over how my mesh should be skinned. :D

It also helps to have the view port in wireframe mode while you do it. ;)
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erwin rommel
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Re: Know any good tutorials for .skn files?

Post by erwin rommel »

Quick update:

I've got a low-poly "boxman" model rigged up in max so that the model moves when the skeleton moves. It actually looks pretty sweet, for a low-poly model. However, I've had trouble importing this into the game. The result is a very spikey grey ball of madness.

Is there a trick to exporting the .skn file or somesuch? I feel like I'm blindly walking around here.
Apache Thunder wrote:Before, I simply changed the vertex weights with the "radius" setting for each bone. But that is a messy way of doing it. Now I found out how to select all the vertexes individually and now I have good control over how my mesh should be skinned. :D
Do tell. I did it for the boxman by opening up the table of vertices/weights and manually entering values. How do you do it?
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Re: Know any good tutorials for .skn files?


if you set all the verticies to 1 then,you get a have to use skin modifier with the weight table.
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