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Re: Flags not changeable in serverside mod

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:23 am
by Swaffy
My soldier spawners and object spawners work perfectly. It's the flag pole itself: the "physical" (visible) flag pole isn't there and doesn't have a collision mesh, and cannot be captured.

Re: Flags not changeable in serverside mod

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 12:54 pm
by Old Man River
I made a modded Tobruk server side a few months back Idea was to turn it into a map similar to husky it worked still working on balance, but in it I relocated Axis main to beach below town, it was ok changing control point to a takeable flag like above just use another control point as guide for settings, my problem is how do you remove the symbol on mini map which show red circle with line through it which means untakeable, it confuses playeras when it is there, so I ended up leaving it untakeable and turned on for axis, which left destroyer a bit pointless as the idea was to take beach flag like in husky and fight up road to town

Re: Flags not changeable in serverside mod

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 2:18 pm
by freddy
Old Man River wrote: my problem is how do you remove the symbol on mini map which show red circle with line through it which means untakeable
Thats not possible, its one of those limitations of ssm modding. Same with the "capflag" radius you can change it and it works just fine but the players cant see it they will be "stuck" at the settings they have in the org file.

@Swaffy i guess you seen the flagpole and the rest of the flag files in objects/items/flag/Objects.con ?

Re: Flags not changeable in serverside mod

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 7:52 pm
by Swaffy
freddy wrote:@Swaffy i guess you seen the flagpole and the rest of the flag files in objects/items/flag/Objects.con ?
I have them. Why?

Re: Flags not changeable in serverside mod

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:20 pm
by MegaloDon
Old Man River wrote:my problem is how do you remove the symbol on mini map which show red circle with line through it which means untakeable
Freddy is right. That is not possible. However if you want to sacrifice another control point, you can use my method.
First remove the axis base and choose a control point to use to replace it. In my case I used ALLIES_BASE_FIRSTLINE_middle.
Then change the location of the "new" axis base. In my case I wanted it at the same location as the original axis base. Adjust yours accordingly.


Code: Select all

rem *** Old AXIS BASE ***
REM Object.create AXIS_BASE
REM Object.absolutePosition 1743.65/67.1438/572.867
rem *** New AXIS BASE ***
Object.create ALLIES_BASE_FIRSTLINE_middle
REM Object.absolutePosition 2038.04/71.5807/724.311
Object.absolutePosition 1743.65/67.1438/572.867
In ControlPointTemplates.con you only need to change the team to 1 on the new axis base.
You will have to note the spawnGroupId and objectSpawnerId of the old and new in order to make other changes.
Also, oddly enough, I found that you cannot change the order in which they are in the file. Client will CTD if you do.


Code: Select all

rem *** New AXIS BASE ***

ObjectTemplate.create ControlPoint ALLIES_BASE_FIRSTLINE_middle 1
ObjectTemplate.spawnGroupId 3
ObjectTemplate.objectSpawnerId 14

rem *** Old AXIS BASE ***

ObjectTemplate.create ControlPoint AXIS_BASE 1
ObjectTemplate.spawnGroupId 1
ObjectTemplate.objectSpawnerId 11
The easiest way for me to change the SoldierSpawns was to change the names from the old to the new and rem out the old spawns.
Note that the original axis base had 9 spwans and the new one only has 8. I simply rem'd out the 9th one.


Code: Select all

Object.create alliesSpawnPoint_firstline_middleb 
REM Object.create AxisSpawnPoint_supplydep 
Object.absolutePosition 1799/67.2023/552
Object.rotation 176.076/0/1.52588e-005
rem ***  ***
Object.create alliesSpawnPoint_firstline_middles 
REM Object.create AxisSpawnPoint_hospital 
Object.absolutePosition 1724/67.3125/628
Object.rotation -89.856/0/0.0279846
rem ***  ***
Object.create alliesSpawnPoint_firstline_middle3 
REM Object.create AxisSpawnPoint_barrack 
Object.absolutePosition 1704/67.1438/601
Object.rotation -0.467712/5.21102e-011/0.0342712
rem ***  ***
Object.create alliesSpawnPoint_firstline_middle4 
REM Object.create AxisSpawnPoint_middle_sandbag 
Object.absolutePosition 1813.2/71.6602/593.768
Object.rotation -86.58/-2.08441e-010/0.0197906
rem ***  ***
Object.create alliesSpawnPoint_firstline_middle5 
REM Object.create AxisSpawnPoint_right_sandbag 
Object.absolutePosition 1727/67.1438/581
Object.rotation 112.464/0/0.0197906
rem ***  ***
Object.create alliesSpawnPoint_firstline_middle6 
REM Object.create AxisSpawnPoint_left_sandbag 
Object.absolutePosition 1773/67.1479/598
Object.rotation 167.904/-2.03555e-013/1.52588e-005
rem ***  ***
Object.create alliesSpawnPoint_firstline_middle7 
REM Object.create AxisSpawnPoint_7 
Object.absolutePosition 1737.48/67.1438/581.102
Object.rotation 32.868/0/1.52588e-005
rem ***  ***
Object.create alliesSpawnPoint_firstline_middle8 
REM Object.create AxisSpawnPoint_8 
Object.absolutePosition 1767.14/67.1438/575.096
Object.rotation 0/0/1.52588e-005
rem ***  ***
REM Object.create AxisSpawnPoint_9 
REM Object.absolutePosition 1728.83/67.1438/560.71
REM Object.rotation 0/0/1.52588e-005

REM Object.create alliesSpawnPoint_firstline_middleb 
REM Object.absolutePosition 2027/71.673/733
REM Object.rotation -94.0681/4.16882e-010/0.0685425
REM rem
REM rem ***  ***
REM rem
REM Object.create alliesSpawnPoint_firstline_middles 
REM Object.absolutePosition 2035/71.6508/731
REM Object.rotation -3.27597/0/0.0713348
REM rem
REM rem ***  ***
REM rem
REM Object.create alliesSpawnPoint_firstline_middle3 
REM Object.absolutePosition 2034.87/71.5676/726.198
REM Object.rotation -60.192/0/1.52588e-005
REM rem
REM rem ***  ***
REM rem
REM Object.create alliesSpawnPoint_firstline_middle4 
REM Object.absolutePosition 2026.62/71.6072/729.202
REM Object.rotation -127.908/8.14222e-013/0.0279846
REM rem
REM rem ***  ***
REM rem
REM Object.create alliesSpawnPoint_firstline_middle5 
REM Object.absolutePosition 2034.66/71.6276/729.854
REM Object.rotation -127.908/8.14222e-013/0.0279846
REM rem
REM rem ***  ***
REM rem
REM Object.create alliesSpawnPoint_firstline_middle6 
REM Object.absolutePosition 2024.15/71.6346/730.869
REM Object.rotation -32.076/0/1.52588e-005
REM rem
REM rem ***  ***
REM rem
REM Object.create alliesSpawnPoint_firstline_middle7 
REM Object.absolutePosition 2024.57/71.7132/735.013
REM Object.rotation -32.076/0/1.52588e-005
REM rem
REM rem ***  ***
REM rem
REM Object.create alliesSpawnPoint_firstline_middle8 
REM Object.absolutePosition 2031.05/71.6149/729.58
REM Object.rotation -32.076/0/1.52588e-005
I'm pretty sure that the original Tobruk does not have any vehicles tied to the axis base. However if you want to do so, remember to set the osid to the new base.


Code: Select all

object.create lighttankspawner
object.absoluteposition 1754.94/68.0798/560.473
object.rotation -1.16986/-6.03976e-04/-1.52588e-05
object.setosid 14
object.setteam  1
freddy wrote:Same with the "capflag" radius you can change it and it works just fine but the players cant see it they will be "stuck" at the settings they have in the org file.
That's not true at least in my experience. As long you don't have ObjectTemplate.unableToChangeTeam 1

Code: Select all

ObjectTemplate.radius 50
This works fine for me and I can see that the flag is changing when I am 50 meters away.

Re: Flags not changeable in serverside mod

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2012 8:53 pm
by freddy
Swaffy wrote:
freddy wrote:@Swaffy i guess you seen the flagpole and the rest of the flag files in objects/items/flag/Objects.con ?
I have them. Why?
I was thinking of this
Swaffy wrote: The weirdest thing is that I can't get the FLAGPOLE for the Axis base to simply show!

Re: Flags not changeable in serverside mod

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2012 12:51 pm
by Swaffy
My plan is to delete all (four) of my bases and just redo the flag system.
Then we'll see what happens.