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New gun sounds: Issues - not working

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 10:46 pm
by Swaffy
I keep trying to make new gunh sounds for my guns, but they never work in-game.
The sounds ... don't make any sound while in-game.

I don't think it's the ".ssc" files that are messing the sounds up, I think I'm just not creating the sounds correctly.

This is what I do [before the video]

- Use my "Youtube to MP3" converter to get an MP3 track of a hi-def Youtube video
- Convert MP3 file to WAV file
- Do what my video shows:

Turn down the volume, then begin to raise it up as needed.
The sound issue is in the M16A2 [the one without the underbarrel M203]. The rest of the video is showcasing new stuff in the mod, so that's irrelevant.

Re: New gun sounds: Issues - not working

Posted: Sun Apr 17, 2011 8:36 pm
by Apache Thunder
BF1942 has been touchy with wav files for me in the past. But it finally worked after I found app that makes wav files that BF1942 will work with. I use Nero WaveEditor first to convert a file to a 44khz PCM wav file. Then use a second app (Xilisoft MP3 WAV Converter) to convert it to a 44khz wav file. Don't ask me why this works, but after that, it then works correctly. The second app can't upsample a 22khz to a 44khz or a 11khz to a 22khz without f**ing up the file. (it ends up with a sound file that plays 2 to 3 times faster then normal. AKA the chipmonk effect. :P) It will down sample just fine though.

The files Nero WaveEditor makes don't behave correctly with BF1942. Hence why I use Xilisoft MP3 WAV Converter. For the first app that you use to upsample anything, your free to use whatever you want. But for the second app for downsampling and overall guaranteeing that the file will work, I recommend "Xilisoft MP3 WAV Converter" as it has worked great for me in making wav files that BF1942 will work with but mostly because it can convert a group of files quickly. So if you have lots of wav files you need to convert at once, this one is great at doing that.

It's not freeware though. PM me and I can talk to you more about this app and how to get it.

Re: New gun sounds: Issues - not working

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 5:24 am
by Coroner47
there is only 1 sound editor you need for this. its called "goldwave" ive been using it for like 10yrs... its as old as winamp & nTrack. its free go to it will read ANY & i mean ANY file. u can even open an exe files in it. you can open mp3s in the new version & convert to RIFF WAVE format for b1942 RIFF WAVE 16bit 44, 22 & 11Hz stereo & mono.

Re: New gun sounds: Issues - not working

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 6:32 am
by Swaffy
Sound men, thank you. I will get to trying this tomorrow [today, if you are time smart unlike myself].
It's 12:30 at night and I just got done downloading the Bad Company 2: Vietnam music [I'mma be jammin' out].

Re: New gun sounds: Issues - not working

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 8:23 pm
by Swaffy
I've just finished installing GoldWave, including registration for full usage.
Coroner, can you help me with the settings, like what sound file settings to change?
The reason I'm asking is because there is [literally] 65+ buttons I am seeing.

I'm looking for a 44hz sound file. If I want lower, I can figure it out on my own.

- - - - - - -

Once I get this down, I can make a video tutorial on sound.

- - - - - - -

Problem solved! I have new, beautiful sounds for a few weapons already!
GoldWave is so awesome, it's much better than Audacity.